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7 years ago
It sounds pretty cool and impressive. You definitely got my vote. listen to my music 'dedication' and kindly request to give me a vote and support for me...
White House
7 years ago
Really great sound design and a well done track.
You got my vote in the competition, feel free to checkout my music. Would be thankful if you voted and supported me back :D
Best regards
White House
7 years ago
cool track, voted ,check my new track Morning Sun,,
7 years ago
Hi DJ BLlade, I heard your Remix and honestly,
The mixing sounds really good and the melody you used in the intro is really catchy. I would maybe change the arrangement a bit but
it's a well produced track and it will go really far!
It would mean the world if you could check out my remix of 'Feel Good' on my profile!!
Let me know what you think and comment down below that you've voted so that I can vote back!
Thank you!
Lloris Jameson
7 years ago
I like it, man! Voted! Please vote back to my remix on Bob Sinclar and my track "Feel". Thank you very much and Good Luck in chart!!!))