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2 years ago
Here ReyMod, on the internet there are many ways to promote your song It's possible to upload your music and promote it on my site radio. Feel free to explore my site - there's no cost, and you have my invitation.
2 years ago
Nice prod ! Cool future rave beat and fire drop ! Good mix balance ! Nice one DJ SAMMY (TH) ! 👍 VOTED FOR YOU. Please check out my new unofficial remix track - BYOB-System Of a Down in the Deep House Chart and vote if you liked. In advance thanks. Good Luck! 👍
2 years ago
Hey, nice track! Voted. Can you please vote back on my latest track " STAY SONIC " ? Thank you and best of luck!
2 years ago
The drops are also crunchy and go very well with it. voted . Please take a moment, listen and leave me your voice too. Regards and Best of luck !
2 years ago
Good morning , how you doing? I’m Alex, I was a dj/producer, but now, I teamed up with my staff to focus and use my influence and my followers, to promote new artists and fresh music on my Spotify playlist and my IG, making it easier for them to reach out for labels and new listeners. I made a selection of artists and your music sounds interesting to me! MEANWHILE THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION, LET YOU MY VOTE FOR YOUR DEMO! Text me back if you’re interested for more infos at: