The state of Arizona has the desert climate prevailing. The daytime temperature ranges from hot to very hot, while at night it can also be cold. It doesn't rain easily here. The average annual temperature in Arizona is 18 ° degrees and 528 mm of rain fall in a year. Let's lose it represents the human figure, lost in the desert, forced to face a day of storm and lightning beyond the thousand difficulties.
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4 years ago
㋡►✔ DJAZ
4 years ago
Nice music... voted! please check on my track Clock Is Ticking and vote it if you like it...thanks!!
Simone Celi
4 years ago
This song is crazy 😍😍😍
4 years ago
A good track sounds cool. Please listen to my new track The New sound.
4 years ago
I voted for your track.
I hope you could do the same and vote back on my track "Everything Is Real"
Thanks :D
Good luck.❤
peace and love :D
follow me on instagram :D
find me on Youtube: Joel Avalo <>.