Rain of Ashes [OUT NOW]
Highest rank 64

The Track is now available for purchase on the current stores: iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/rain-of-ashes-single/id1152873393 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/1RH9iQmMNR0MrItNXDzp5G Anghami: https://play.anghami.com/song/16966580?bid=/aB1b/DoIs2yCu7w Twitter @lp_q8 & @shnutzdj

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8 years ago
Loved the track!
Yooo DJSchnutz! Nice track! Sounds well mixed and mastered. You deserved a BIG vote :) could you please return the favor for me? Just listen to my remix for the CONTEST Can't Fight It. Good luck!
8 years ago
voted! :)
Axel Clay ✪
8 years ago
Amazing! Unusual sound, but it's your chance to be in the first 10 in the talent pool! I press "vote" !)) By the way, my track "LOW" is also in talent pool . U can hear it on my page. Press "Vote" !) MARCO KIRIGAMI - CONTEST - LOW Thanks!
8 years ago
voted back)
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