Remix realizado con todo el respeto y cariño para uno de mis artistas favoritos, el gran Manu Chao. (Remix realizado de la canción Denia, con samples de una entrevista realizada a manu chao). No reservo los derechos de su canción, ni de la entrevista.
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deibison nack ✪
7 years ago
wow brother great track drops drops great this has my big vote ♥ you can vote for my track ♦ the trumprt sounds ♦
Now let me tell you something that in truth this is very important for me and I really know that for you it is the same and I want you to go far and I wish you the best of truth. It is important to say that in a communion as big as this there are great artists who have talent but you and I and the rest know that opportunities do not present themselves that way and we try to look for the best to generate a good audience but it is a bit difficult . But that does not stop us from moving forward everything in life you can and I want to tell you never to give up and do not stop following your dreams keep working hard, good luck on behalf of [DEIBISON NACK]? [+ _ +]..........
7 years ago
I love this! I voted, I would love it if you could vote back for my new track "Forbidden"! Thanks!
7 years ago
This is so awesome! I voted, I would love it if you could vote back for my new track "Forbidden"! Thanks!
7 years ago
amazing track...voted please vote back...GOODLUCK
🌊 Will Sea 🌊
7 years ago
great sound! i voted! please listen to my track "All I Do (Westside Bootleg)" vote and comment. it is currently at #11 on the chart and I'd like your help getting into the top 10!!