--------------------------------------------------------------Visit My _S O U N D C L O U D_ for more .D.R.A.Y.E.S. Music.------------------------------------------------------------- .https://soundcloud.com/carlos-pedrayes-drayes
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7 years ago
This is amazing tune 👏 VOTED 👏 Listen to my new song Ghost thank you
B£@T M@K£R$
7 years ago
Nice bro voted
hit us back if you get a minute
N Effect Music
7 years ago
This Is a nice track you got here, you definitely have my vote. If you would like some more honest feedback on your work, follow me on sound cloud and I will follow back and if you got a track that you want me to take a listen to, give you a like, leave a comment, drop a vote on in the talent pool or just give you my opinion on it, hit me up on sound cloud for continued support. I would appreciate it if you took a listen to my new track “THIS IS HOUSE” and please leave me a vote and a comment on what you think of my new track. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Good luck to you!!!!!!!!!
7 years ago
Hey buddy,Amazing track. Voted 😍 And i hope you'd vote my newest remix of SIGNAL by CYMATICS And lets do a follow for follow too here. Also if you could follow me on soundcloud , i'd do back for you and i'd love to repost your tracks. ThankYou and keep making such good music 🙌
Peter Pinehiller
7 years ago
good !Voted !!! Vote back my BELIEVE over 12,5k soundcloud plays and BETTER KNOW YOUR LOVE !!! Over 69k soundcloud plays !Thanks !!!bb