Mr. Fiddler
Highest rank 302

On this record, I am talking about the sacrifices a person makes while transitioning from a young to a full on adult. And most of the time; the sacrifice is always dreams and aspirations, by settling down to a 9 to 5 job, because the bills have to be paid. Also, sometimes (not that this is wrong but) children happen and they become the center of your world, before you know it, you're 45+.

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Léo Clark2
7 years ago
Hello I am back ^^, and it could be an honor if you could make a feedback about my track "Long Road", Feedback are really preciois for me! VOTED & SUPPORTED! THANX FOR THE SUPPORT.
7 years ago
Great track! Awesome sound! Let's do this to succeed: I vote for you and you vote for me. I already voted. Follow me on soundcloud and I follow you too. See me on Youtube and subscrive for more music if you like. Thank you and good luck! Note: On soundcloud if you make a comment and give me like im my music i share your music.
7 years ago
Hey !! Super enjoy your track, i totally just voted for you !! If you wouldn't mind checking out my new track "Nightmare" and give it a vote that would be awesome!! I super would appreciate it !!! Thanks!! ENjoy!!!
Ro Revrock
7 years ago
voted !! please vote for vote.... i've got a new track on soundcloud called: Blue Heaven.. it's a great edm song from Ro Revrock .. hope you will like and share it vote for me and leave a comment, i will vote back if you comment and have voted for me. .
Peter Pinehiller
7 years ago
🔛Voted! Vote back my BETTER KNOW YOUR LOVE! over 59,3k soundcloud plays! my another track TOGETHER ! Now over 83,6k soundcloud plays!
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