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Ahad Khan
7 years ago
Awesome Track.. Voted! Please Listen and vote back if you like my Remix "Vinai-Parade" Thanks
7 years ago
Nice song. VOTED.
Please take a look to my remix "VINAI – Parade D4VI4N Special Remake" and vote if you like it.
Just leave a comment if you need my feedback, or repost on SoundCloud.
Thank you so much and good luck!
7 years ago
Nice track! Awesome sound!
Let's do this to succeed: I vote for you and you vote for me. I already voted.
Follow me on soundcloud and I follow you too.
See me on Youtube and subscrive for more music if you like.
Thank you and good luck!
Note: On soundcloud if you make a comment and give me like in my music, I do the same for you.
7 years ago
wow, Your song is just amazing, I really like the production and all the effort that you put in the creation of this record.
Could you please vote for my last song FREE?
follow me and I wil follow you!
Good job!!
7 years ago
Hi bro nice track i love it and voted. Please check out my latest track ''Quantum Solace'' thanks :)