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4 years ago
Great music...voted!!! Please check on my track "Bitter Champagne" and vote it if you like it...thanks!!!😊👍
Six Cities
4 years ago
Hey! This track is grooovy, very cool vibes. love the inspiration! I voted for your track with a like to show my support! If you'd like, have a listen to my new house music track called Take It All (For Yourself) and let me know what you think! 🙏
4 years ago
Ooof sick
Gairbhi 🦊
4 years ago
Nice track my man.... Voted.... could u please take a look at my new track 'Colour' and hopefully you'll like it... Follow my Soundcloud and on this platform and I'll follow u back.... Thanks Bro...
4 years ago
Yooo :0 this track carries some really good vibes and a very clean mix ! I think you have got potential for a good music career wich I would wish for you :) I am giving this Track my Vote to support you as much as i can from my position. It´s probably obvious, but i´ve got a Track running too, it´s called ,, Watch Yo Self´´ including The Ragga Twins from London (if you heard of them before). It´d be awesome if you could support my Track too :P.!!! By the way, i am looking for some new people to hook up with and make some music, if you´re interested, please leave me a Message bro. That would be soo Cool ! regards--> -SubTec
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