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James Holland
7 years ago
Great big room vibes. Love the lead melody and synth in the drop - it's very exciting. Good work!
I've left a vote behind. Could you also help me out by voting back for my latest remix of "Feel Good"? I'd appreciate it very much, thank you!
7 years ago
супер трек!!! мой голос!!!
7 years ago
Nice work i rly liked it and i ofcourse voted for it . If you want Vote back for my track COME ON and also follow me on soundcloud and ill be happy to follow you back so we can continue supporting each others work.
My other track SMIL3 is on a contest ending in 2 days . It is curently 12 place so please take a minute and give your voted there too so you can help me reach top 10 !!!!! Keep up the good work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
7 years ago
I voted for you dude!!
Mogli & Mate
7 years ago
Amazing track! Voted & Supported! Please vote for our new Single. Thank you very much and we will see us on the top. ;)