Highest rank 525

plug pləɡ/ noun 2. a device for making an electrical connection, especially between an appliance and a power supply, consisting of an insulated casing with metal pins that fit into holes in an outlet.

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J-Rob MD
7 years ago
Great track bro! I definitely like what you are doing here so I voted for you. would love a vote for my latest track "If the World Is Our Dance Floor" if you like what I do... This song is the latest single off of my current EP, "Sick AF". Rather than entirely following trends, I blended aspects of new and classic house music sound design, with a great vocal and melody, and a heavy drop, to create a very dance-able but original track. ... thanks for stopping to take a listen!! --- J-rob MD
Rich Robbyn
7 years ago
Hi, I love this song, it's always good to listen to different and very creative proposals. I've been here for a long time here in Spinnin and I know that not only a good song is enough, you also have to be lucky and have the help of others, because of course you can not give yourself your own song. So we have to help each other to be able to go ahead together. Here I leave my Vote and from now on I am your new follower too, You can check your XP points, for each Vote you get you raise 1 XP point and also you get the notification that you have a new Follower, if you do not get the notification that I am following you is because I already follow you beforehand, but take it for granted that you have my Vote here and I will follow you. I do not ask you to be my Follower, I just want you to return the Vote to help each other. A pleasure to talk to you, I wish you a lot of luck, go ahead that you will see the success smile because you already have the most important of all, talent. A hug and many blessings. Rich
Mj Lion
7 years ago
Buen trabajo!!! tienes mi voto. Por favor vota mi track "Expressions" y deja tu comentario. Gracias.
7 years ago
Hi France Calva I don't want to write a fake comment! Would you like to exchange votes? I already VOTED for your "Plugz"! My friend, once I voted you, I will DO NOT remove your vote Man! I hope you will vote back for my remix: "Alan Walker vs. Barren Gates - Fade Us (MV Remix)" Many thanks, FC and good luck!
Dj Matvey
7 years ago
Hello , Good track !Voted!
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