PRN - M4M3 32
Highest rank 908


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Nick Wynn
5 years ago
Hello:) I voted for your track Vote for mine Good luck !!!
WiMax Music
5 years ago
Good track, nice retro-gaming vibe, voted for you! Check out my latest track - remix of 'Tell Me A Lie' and leave a vote if you like it! You can also follow me on SoundCloud, leave a like or comment. Have a good one!
5 years ago
It's amazing! I give you my vote! Please vote for my latest track, thanks!
5 years ago
Great track good work. Mate i gave you my vote Good luck in your ranking 👍 If you have a moment, I would appreciate it if you would review my latest track "Lost On The Dance Floor" Let me know what you think with a comment or a vote🙏🏼
5 years ago
yo frances, just finished listening to your track, really nice rhythm man! felt it strong throughout and kept me interested, hope you make more of this kinda stuff - really vibing of the track as whole. Sound design was great man - keep up the good work - you got my vote dude! hmu on SC if you ever wanna chat about music or something, or trade feedback ! and if you got a sec, can you check out my last track - “bombs” its a retro 8bit/dubstep mix inspired by a skrillex song (can you guess which one?) !! leave a vote if you like, and if not some feedback please on what i could of done better !
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