A new autumn track, containing a lot of energy and break elements with dubstep.

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7 years ago
Hi FrostLoud, You really made a nice track, all you have to is keep on practicing your skilks and try being better everyday, if you kept your hard work on in this you'll definitely reach your goals and objectives. Voted for your appreciable work on the track By the way I've created something and I want you to check out and vote it if you like it, suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks Cheers Mate
Peter Pinehiller
7 years ago
voted! vote back my STOP CALLING! THANKS !cc
7 years ago
Wow, awesome track !!!, good vibes!! good job!, I like it! Voted!, You could vote for my new song "Touch the stars (extended mix)" I would really appreciate, greetings! :)
7 years ago
Awesome track! I like it very much! Very original. Great fun listening to this track! It looks well produced. Feeling nice. Maybe I'll play this music at the disco. I voted for your track because I loved it and who knows maybe you will get TOP of Spinnin !! You definitely have a lot of ability to produce music. Congratulations! I try very hard to vote n 'support at all, and if you have a few minutes to enter my profile and vote for my track "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU" and let me know what you think about it and this It would also be awesome! You can also follow me on SoundCloud and I'll follow up for continued support. See me on YouTube and subscribe there if you want, because I'm about to release more original songs whith nice videoclips. Good luck.
7 years ago
Voted can vote back on my two tracks ON POINT & DON'T LET THEM
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