KIMERA is a track that gives a massive touch from intense edm chords as well as a loud and a crazy drop
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8 years ago
Hey! Nice! VOTED! Can u check my last track "Feeling" and vote it please Cheers!!
8 years ago
Voted Franpa! Nice sound!
Everyone who vote my track Insane I'll vote back, just leave a comment and I'll vote back!
8 years ago
Soo stunning!! I like so muchh! Maybe you should soon be in the TOP of spinnin'! I voteed for your track because I like so much and definitly you have strong skill to produce music and make a good vibe in the background. Really, Congratulations! If you have a couple minutes enter to my profile and vote for my latest song "Uptight" would be amazing too! Good look!!!
8 years ago
Hey tienes mi voto escucha mi mas reciente pista y vota
Fuzzy Machine
8 years ago
Cool Man! loving the sound VOTED! I would love it if you could check out my track "Barage"!