Concept single based on people that are blinded by love and how it affects their lives and the people around them, i.e friendship and family. It deals with Lust, Loss, Betrayal, Lies and Consequences. | Based On A True Story

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6 years ago
Heyyyyy!!!!!! Wow , what a nice track<3<3 love your track that sound pretty good dude VOTED!!!! Don't forget to vote back for my last track LOCO CONTIGO REMIX<3
6 years ago
Love it! Voted! Can you please vote back on my track "life changes" ? Thanks!
6 years ago
hi, check new sound
6 years ago
Hello! Listen, this is really a cool track in your performance! I voted! If it's not difficult for you, vote for my track Aim - Feel. Good luck to you!🎧
6 years ago
voted !! I heard your Track "Lust" I want to make music that people can listen to and like. I'll learn a song and listen to your music. If you do not mind, Will you listen and vote to my last track "Pirate Beach" ? Thanks
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