Highest rank 170

Hardkill - Bandit is out now! Check out my Soundcloud for more (FREE DOWNLOAD)

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9 years ago
Hello hard2kill I just checked your track and I think you put a lot of effort in it and I like that ! Voted :) I’ve a new hot & sexy track >>> Heatwave <<< ! What do you think of it ? Thank you :)
Roby Koenigs
9 years ago
Voted! Good job! Can you please vote back for my new track "Look Over The Horizon". Thank you so much! :
Batuhan Demir/IRON
9 years ago
Great Work I voted :) But vote me back..Good Luck
9 years ago
Your track is really awesome :D I voted you to catch the highest rank as you can. Please help me back and vote my last track "Poseidon" Many thanks!!!
eternal dreamer
9 years ago
Awesome job ! VOTED!! I would appreciate it if you check out my new track "Imaginary Friend (dizzharmonizer mix)" and vote me back if you like it.
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