We Can't Give Up (KAM Future Bass Remix)
EDX, remix by: Hi im KAM
♫ https://soundcloud.com/raisetheposterior ♫ I'd like to meet other producers, we are all the future of music, feel free to add/message me on soundcloud and i'll add you back. Any questions on how I make my tracks, tips, advice, criticism or vice versa is welcome. I'm always trying to learn new techniques.
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7 years ago
Good Remix Bro! Nice one! Voted!
Also please vote for my "EDX - We Can't Give Up" remix, i'm sure you'll like it, waiting for your vote <3
DJ Riddum
7 years ago
Great...this is Nice remix
You Have My Vote.@@.@@.@@
Please Vote Back on My Remix Track PUNJABI.@@.@@.@@.. I Need Your Support....
7 years ago
Great, Like the future bass vibe. But it needs some more bass. Voted anyways <3
Let me know what you think about my one and vote back pls :)
Hi im KAM
7 years ago
Your right. I had the sub & kicks filtered out in my mastering project on accident. It should be better now.
7 years ago
you voted for me, so i voted for you :)
i also followed you, do you wanna follow back ;)?
Hi im KAM
7 years ago
Got you bro :)
7 years ago
Love the vocal treatment, and the dropsphere/mallet synths! I would open the mix a bit, as you have everything there, but it's a bit treble-rich. Overall, great though. Voted. :)
Hi im KAM
7 years ago
yeah i've noticed that too. Anything you could recommended to help that? Just eqing down the treble?
EDIT: I completely forgot to lp/hp everything. Thanks for the reminder!