Punjab (LoFi Mix)
Highest rank 706

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4 years ago
Hi , VOTED!! You Have All My Support! Please Listen My Last Remix Of Sikdope x ALRT - Fly With You. And Vote If You Like It. Also Please Follow Me On Soundcloud
4 years ago
Nice track voted could you vote back?'
Garrick Mackauer
4 years ago
Brother, your universe, your music, is what I have long wanted to hear. And you did it! Cool torn sound at the beginning. The atmospheric melody is very, very good, jammed like that. As if I plunged into the world of miracles. Acceleration reveals the superiority of drop. Your drop will explode everything, how many sounds, how balanced. Music needs you, you have to show yourself as a world personality who carries his soul to every person. Hell, take this 1st place. Good luck to you
4 years ago
really gud !
4 years ago
KARUNESH! your track, it's something incredible. every time I listen to it, I understand that it will definitely be a hit. I vote for your track. Hopefully it takes the top 1. Good luck, my friend.
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