Lowfi Sound.

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8 years ago
Your track - il-canto-dei-cervi-the-witchcoat is really awesome :D I voted you to catch the highest rank as you can. Please help me back and vote my new track SHIVA - HAUNTED HOUSE And Please Follow Me Many thanks :)
8 years ago
HEY GREAT TRACK !!!!!! Keep IT UP !! Voted And Supported You could Help Me By Voting My Track - FIRETUNE GOOD LUCK !! THANK YOU !!!
8 years ago
Great track!!!!!!!!! Vote!!!!!!! I like it!!!!!!!! Guys my new track Kingdom is out now!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you kike it please vote amd comment!!!!!!!!
8 years ago
Cool, Voted!!! Vote back my track Catnap-Chordless!
8 years ago
)))Amazing remix! The is so cool and you have a good mastering that keep all the song a i notice that you put strong effort here and really I can watch the results!! You know, I'm trying to do a review of all the tracks that are uploaded here and is hard listen whole, but I can say It' so emotional and inspirational. You have my vote! If you can, take a couple of minutes and vote by my latest track , contest (((QUINTINO & NERVO - Lost in You (KLYCHKEY Remix))), I would be grateful with you!! See you in the Top of spinnin' records! Keep making this kind of songs dude
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