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6 years ago
Amazing track !
Keep up the good work !
Voted Good luck !
Check out my tracks and let me know what you think with a comment or a vote
Thank you very much for your support.
6 years ago
voted, please vote back on my latet track "Tik Tak"
6 years ago
Sick Future chords! Voted! Really hope you get far in the competition! If you have a second can you vote for my track 'Tujamo Contest Demo'? I would appreciate it greatly! Keep up the great work!
Andy Jaymes
6 years ago
Nice track. voted! Please vote back on my new track “Back To You”. Hopefully you will enjoy it!
Thanks for the support. Andy 😊...
6 years ago
Cool track !!! LIKED!!! Nice idea, cool sounds and great Melody and chords as well.
If you have time please checkout my latest release "Shining like you" and please vote back for it.
I hope you'll reach your goals....keep it up bro!!!