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5 years ago
Hi Maikel, this sound very original, great melodies and sound design, keep making this kind of songs bro!
You definitely have my vote, the mix sounds very tight and clean by the way. Also, could you give some support to my latest track EARS, thanks!
plz vote for the second track noit the first>>>
5 years ago
hey there :)...
I checked your track and vote for it,got my support!:) Would u be so nice and check out my new Track
>> DONT NEED YOU! (BADHOUSEMUSIC) << and set your vote & comment ?
it would be great to have your suppport..
Kevin Forbes
5 years ago
Good dark track. My vote for You. If U can - check my new "again and again" and vote it
5 years ago
Great track ! Like it and vote :) Can you caome to my profile and vote for my last track " Bugatti " !
Andrew Terpo
5 years ago
Nice track! Voted! Please listen and vote to my new track "WILLPOWER" and if you want follow me!