DJ Jabok - Clouds by Zhambyl Turebayev John Hobart Piano
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7 years ago
Nice track DJ JABOK. VOTED. Please check to my track LONELY or ESCAPE and vote back if you like it. THANKS
7 years ago
Nice song, got my vote! Can you please vote back to my Fight Me? Just 1 click... But for me it means a lot.
Weird Sushi
7 years ago
Vote back my Track "SLIDE IT"
Bad Boy Marxxx
7 years ago
loved the track..voted...please check out mine chun lyne
Thomas Grey
7 years ago
Ey Brother I listened a part of the song (You know, I'm trying to do a review of all the tracks that are uploaded here and is hard listen whole) but I can say: It's Amazin! Listening the drop, I'd only add a little more ratio-compression to the kick and I'd put it in 55Hz to make more suitable with the bass. Overall the background (Pad) and the Lead sound perfect. I believe that give a emotional and thrilling sensation on whole song. You definitely have my vote!
Here’s a little feedback for you on this one. I love the melody and the chord progression on this track. The dynamics are very cool. I am definitely going to give you my vote on this one. I am also curious to know if you make the music or the melody 1st? I hope you will vote back on my track “Dive” and take a listen and let me know what you think. You can also follow me on SoundCloud and I will follow back ASAP for continued support. Good Luck to you!!!!!
I would like that you take a couple of minutes and check my latest track "Dive" and give a vote or maybe give me your appreciate feedback. I would be grateful with you!! Keep making this kind of songs brother! The Spinnin Records TOP is waiting for you!!!!!
For constant LOVE and SUPPORT, do follow me here and on SoundCloud. I'll FOLLOW you back as soon as possible.?