Disponibile Anche su YouTube in qualità maggiore. Jedan Shot - I Say ''Here'' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeh5vOq1VZY
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7 years ago
Voted ;) I’m back with my new crazy remix to “Dannic & Rob & Jack - Bring Di Fire” 💥 Enjoy these Club vibes 😈 🔥
Max Madd
7 years ago
Hey Jedan, I voted! Take a second to follow my Soundcloud : maxmaddmusic
Good luck!
7 years ago
Dope track! You got my vote! If you got time check out and vote for my tracks "Sunset" & "Whatever Happens" enjoy and goodluck!!
7 years ago
Nice track JEDAN SHOT. VOTED. Please check to my track LONELY or ESCAPE and vote back if you like it. THANKS
7 years ago
Jedan, voted and followed, pls vote back....and checkout my soundcloud! If you follow me I'll follow you back!