Wonderwall - Oasis (JhoanE.remix)

Wonderwall remix by Jhoan Trigoso kygo style :3 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jhoan.trigosochuquizuta

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7 years ago
hello i like your type of style the piano and that electro sound soo good VOTE Please vote my Back on my tack called DROP LIFE IF YOU DONT HAVE A RECORD LABEL you can get signed with my own email at hcsmusicpeoducer@gmail GOOD REGARDS
7 years ago
Hey cool track bro loved it vote!, pls vote for my last track and please follow me on soundcloud
Awesome remix bro, i love it, you have my Vote, can you Vote back for my track "DAN-CE", hugs bro ❤
7 years ago
very good melody has your song also I like the synthesizers I like to vote for you, I would like you to vote my song called dance
Kasper B.
7 years ago
Hey! To be honest, I'm here to vote Your track and asking You about vote back :p Good luck!!
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