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a year ago
Hello Nice track ! I voted I hope you will also listen to my track - Real - and vote for it, thank you Good luck!
Oh! greattttt!!. You are doing a really great job! I vote for this truck! My new track And Alice in Wonderland. I hope you will vote for me!
a year ago
hey, your track is great, I think you can do great things, I voted for your song to give you my support, if you like it, could you vote for my last track? Losing my mind, I hope you like it, let's grow together
Abbassa il finetrino, alza il volume, fatti riconoscere... 🎤 Zighi Man x Nico Picerno � Pare No (Nico Picerno Rmx)
Hi dude, how you doing? I’m Alex, dj and producer, My management agency and I want to give the next step in the industry trying to discover and promote new artists, making it easier for them to reach out for labels, contracts and performances. MEANWHILE THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION, GREAT JOB WITH THE TRACK, YOU GOT MY VOTE!! Send me an email if you’re interested for more details at: AK
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