Highest rank 32

Follow me and be sure to leave a comment. I am new to the music industry and willing to give my best shot! “Riot” Released: Jul 15, 2017

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Peter Pinehiller
7 years ago
voted! vote back my TRUE LOVE ! Thanks!
7 years ago
Hey!! I just finished listening to your track and all I can say is that it is really good. There are some elements in here where I can hear your are working on developing your own sound. Keep heading in that direction, you definitely have my vote!  I hope you can take the time and vote back for my new track ‘Smile a little bit’ and leave me some feedback; it would be greatly appreciated.  If you ever need support in the future with a vote, follow me on SoundCloud and message me. I will follow back for support. You can also send me some of your work through SoundCloud and I will take a listen to it and provide you with some feedback or comments. It may take some time because I get a lot of music sent to me but I will get back to you. Look forward to talking to you soon.  Technjx...
7 years ago
Hey cool track bro loved it vote!, would appreciate it if you checked out my new track and please follow me
7 years ago
I hear a nice atmosphere building. Try to compose something with real instruments with your atmosphere in the future. Good luck
Xoro Music
7 years ago
Hey John Avo, I can safely say you have my vote :) You are clearly developing your own sound and this should defo make the top 10. Maybe vote back for my recent remix of 'Feel it still' if your like it? Keep up the good work man.(btw You can check my supported tracks to know I'm not spamming you.)
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