Dance Forever
Highest rank 66

Es mi primera cancion, una electrónica estilo progressive house. Espero la disfruten, compartanla y comenten. :D

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8 years ago
Hello I vote for you ... Please help me with a vote Thanks you !!! Oliver Heldens Remix Contest I will be very happy if you vote back
Minor Keys
8 years ago
Full Support ! :) That's some cool stuff you got there mate :) It feels well mixed and produced and a lot Groovy as well :D Could you give one of my tracks here a listen and vote for it maybe if you think it's worth it :D ?????
Popov Stas
8 years ago
Bro ;) it's cool track ! VOTED&SUPPORTED. Let us support each other in this hard life and please if not difficult vote my latest track fot the contest "Oliver Heldens ft. Ida Corr - Good Life my VIP remix" thanks bro ;)
8 years ago
Hey Juilivar, Cool track, good vibe, you have my Vote! Please vote back for my track "Bungee Jump", thanks!!!
Angelo Pic
8 years ago
Hello! beautiful track congratulations great job !!!! I hope you take away a great satisfaction !!! Continues so great ! please help me by voting my remix Oliver heldsen ft Ida Crr Godd Life !!! And maybe comment !!! I wish you the best!! good luck!!! Your friend   Angel Pic !! ;)
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