When U Left (ft. Sehya)
Highest rank 828


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December 85
7 years ago
Voted! Could you check out my new track The Night? If you like it, please vote. Good luck;)
Séthi 1er
7 years ago
nice track bro , voted & supported , good luck
7 years ago
HELLO JUNKS THE PRODUCER, GREATWORK!!..GOOD TUNE,ITS PRETTY NICE THAT THIS SHOULD BE ON TOP,..I HOPE MY VOTE COULD HELP.., PUSH IT UP!!..I VOTED YOU BRO,.. may i lend you a single minute to check my track " ALgoRHYTHMZ - Sub-Merged ".,and ALSO could i REPOST this track on my SOUNDCLOUD? its nice to have like this..just message me ..thanks bro,,,,see you there.
Léo Clark2
7 years ago
hey man! , i'm producer too, and it could be an honor if an DJ/producer like you could make a feedback about my track "DANCE ONE MORE TIME", really want to become better, and feedback with artist like you are really preciois for me! VOTED & SUPPORTED! THANX FOR THE SUPPORT! 👍😎 - Léo Ben Salem
Hi JUNKS THE PRODUCER, nice track! Voted! What's your SoundCloud y could help you by reposting it! Please, could you support me also by voting on my last song "Eclipse".
www .soundcloud. com/j-unks sure i will support u back!
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