Hi everybody again! Finally 'Cycles' is here! This time I've revealed a track which I finished at the end of summer '15 (not mastered) and I couldn't upload until now. I relly hope you like it and share it with all your friends! Stay tuned, new fresh music is about to come... :)
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9 years ago
beautiful track!!! , I voted for you ,
reciprocates if you like !!
Antony4s&Dimitri2v - Tiguan (Original Mix)
Follow us on soundcloud if you like and we'll repay the favor!!!!!!
Phil Devon *OFFICIAL*
9 years ago
Hey great track!! Nice I like it! Voted!! :) If you dont mind voting back and listening to my new original track I called "Rapture" I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!! :)
Jonas V
9 years ago
Nice sounds here. I hope you will rank up high.
Please check my track too.
9 years ago
I love the intro. Voted !! Could you listen to my new song "The Voices" ? It would be awesome if you could vote it back:)
9 years ago
Great track Jydra, I liked it a lot and of course it's VOTED. Could you check and support my track? It's called "After Party In My House".