New track!!! Hope you like it!!! Vote!! It's free!! I'll vote you too!!

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7 years ago
Great track! Awesome sound! Let's do this to succeed: I vote for you and you vote for me. I already voted. Follow me on soundcloud and I follow you too. See me on Youtube and subscrive for more music if you like. Thank you and good luck! Note: On soundcloud If you make a comment and like on my song, I do the same for you.
7 years ago
Nice! Voted! lets help each other out, vote for vote? I already voted. Thanks for suppport
7 years ago
Hey !! Super enjoy your track, i totally just voted for you !! If you wouldn't mind checking out my new track "Nightmare" and give it a vote that would be awesome!! I super would appreciate it !!! Thanks!! ENjoy the rest of your day!!! Ps. Just followed you, lets follow eachother for feedback !!!!!!
7 years ago
really nice kibrands, good mixing and strong bass,VOTED! if you have time could you check my new track "memories"! thank you and good luck!
7 years ago
Super track 👏 VOTED 👏 Listen to my new song Night Ride thank you 🖐
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