Hi guys!! Hope you like my track!!! I tried to do my best!

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6 years ago
Nice remix, voted. Please listen to my remix as well. Thx
Peter Pinehiller
6 years ago
voted! vote back my TUJAMO REMIX, SELFISH and LETS BE WILD! thanks!
6 years ago
Hi KIBRANDS, I'm ANTHOON ! You left the same harmony of the Remix, but you've made it more rhythmic percussion! very good you vote! listen to my track too and vote for it if you like it!
Jordan Oliver
6 years ago
Always like some moombah If you've got time, check out my remix too!
6 years ago
Hi KIBRANDS, I heard your Remix and I had to leave some positive feedback!! I like the sounds you used making the break, it creates this interesting atmosphere that atracts the listeners!! The overall mixing and mastering is great!!, hit me up on my soundcloud cause I think we have a similar style!!!! It would mean the world if you could check out my new Remix on my profile!! Let me know what you think and comment down below that you've voted so that I can vote back! Thank you!
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