Highest rank 134

OHH my CPU ... is gonna blow up !!! MUSIC VIDEO _ COMING sOOn wait for it bross link:: .//...//./././././.././././././/../././././././.// AND a MERRY CHRISTMAS (BELATED) AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR

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7 years ago
Let's do this: I Vote for you, you're for me. I voted!
Elizaveta Vladi
7 years ago
Good track, I vote for you. Maybe you'll vote back for my new track "My Song Is The Answer". Follow me on SoundCloud, and I'll follow you!
7 years ago
Hi!, well... I believe in mutual support so, I'm gonna be honest, I recently voted your song, could you vote mine too? DOVER & VINO - BETTER DAY , i'll really appreciate it! (If you don't believe me, check out my supported tracks you'll definitely find your song there)... You will definitely like the cool melody of my track!! ! !
Awesome track. Leaving behind a vote. Please check out my current creation "In Your Head" Best of Luck!!! See you on top!!!
DJ Javed Mixing
7 years ago
Hey Kill_Unicorn, Really Cool Track! I like it a lot! Voted! Could you please give my track You & I Remix a listen and Vote!
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