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Alexis Voluette
7 years ago
VOTED!!! Nice Track! Please vote for my track!
7 years ago
I vote for it. Please check my new track "Dream" and vote back. Good luck
7 years ago
Nice vibes <3 VOTED bro !
please vote back my new track "RENEGADE"
the Voyager
7 years ago
Hey! I just finished listening to your track and all I can say is that it is really good. There are some elements in here where I can hear your are working on developing your own sound. Keep heading in that direction, you definitely have my vote!
I hope you can take the time and vote back for my remix 'You and I ft. Grayson Gibson' and leave me some feedback; it would be greatly appreciated.
If you ever need support in the future with a vote, follow me on SoundCloud and message me. I will follow back for support. You can also send me some of your work through SoundCloud and I will take a listen to it and provide you with some feedback or comments. It may take some time because I get a lot of music sent to me but I will get back to you. Look forward to talking to you soon.
Thank you and Good Luck!! - the Voyager
Master Jay
7 years ago
I voted for your track, it's very good !:) check my last remix of "Lucas & Steve" and vote back, thanks and good luck :)