Highest rank 13

Una melodía llena de sentimientos y con muchas historias que contar. Os presento ÁNGELES. #talentpool #spinninrecords #music #electro #EDM #epic #ángeles #party #dj #drops #electronica

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7 years ago
I love this track, voted!, Please vote for my last track bro and please follow me
7 years ago
Nice track, good job, voted! Check out my remix "Closure", make sure to vote! Much love, thanks!
7 years ago
Sick song bro! It's so crazy and you have a good mastering. I note that you are making great and strong efforts here and I can easily watch the results on your music!!! I need to tell you that I listen to all tracks that are uploaded here and it's hard to say you do not deserve the top 10 because your sound is so emotional and powerful. Of course you have my vote! If you can, take a couple of minutes and vote my remix of Sam Feldt - Sensational : , I would be grateful to you!!! As I told you see you in the Top of spinnin' records! Good luck for your continuation and keep making this kind of songs dude....... PS , repose my sound on soundcloud thx...:
No Sleep Club
7 years ago
Hi FranciscoBerbegal! Nice track, we love it, keep it up! Practice every day and don't stop to make music! You can reach your dream's! We voted, please check our new remix 'Gold Skies' and vote back if you like it. YOUR vote is very important to us! Good luck and best wishes, Nayour X Breshka!
Peter Pinehiller
7 years ago
Voted! Vote back my BETTER KNOW YOUR LOVE! Thanks! Another track LOSE MY MIND !w
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