Enjoy and stay tuned for other remixes like this!

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lady anto'
5 years ago
It's a really GOOD Track , I like how you combined sounds and creativity. Please let me know what you think of my Remix (VIZIATA - \/Z/\ ) Thanks
5 years ago
Nice remix idea bro!, if you want you can check my remix too and give me some support :), I will apreciate it!, thanks and take care.
DJ 5L45H
5 years ago
Good rem👍
5 years ago
Hi there ! Voted & followed ! Interesting track and choice of sounds ! I hope you will do well in the charts, I really hop e all of us here in Spinnin Talent Pool will eventually get our release and our big break, including you. Can you spare some time to check my 'My love is gone remix' on Spinnin Talent Pool ? If you like it, please leave a vote and feedback, I would really appreciate that, also I'll make sure to do the same for your other tracks/remixes too ! I have released some songs and I would love the feeback from you. Also, if you are interested in learning some production tips, getting feedback on your music, maybe even collabing or just simply speaking and discussing about any kinds of music, contact me via Instagram @darenzo_music. I'll be waiting and once again best of luck !
5 years ago
Yes, you got my voted 🤩 i Loved it Can you listen my Remix Contest? Thanks :D...
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