Hey Kid
Highest rank 494

Hey, here! This is Electro Breaks...

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7 years ago
Wow cool track 👏 VOTED 👏 Listen to our new song Dollar Signs thank you 🖐
So dope bro, it's fire, voted, can you vote back for my track "Dondido", hugs bro ♥
7 years ago
Ohh amazing! This track is sick, the producton that you create with this is great, I like the beat, Try to explore more this sound because is fabulous, I voted for your track!!! Could you please vote for last remix Grey by Kolsch ? Hope to listen you soon again !
7 years ago
I like the vocal! But the drop need more power bro! Hope u listen to my track too see u soon!!
Max Madd
7 years ago
Hey Lloris, I voted! Take a second to follow my Soundcloud : maxmaddmusic Good luck!
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