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2 years ago
Awesome track! Cool sound! Fantastic!
I VOTED FOR YOU, If you vote on my track- "PENSANDO EM TI" i give you suport.
Subscribe my youtube channel with bell activation, i do the same for you.☀️👍
Follow me on Soundcloud, give me likes and comments, i do the same for you.
Follow me on Instagram, Tweeter, Facebook, TikTok, I will follow you too.
More music on my Spotify Playlist.
Greetings 😊🎧👍
2 years ago
-The melody stuck to me! I loved! I leave you my vote and I invite you to listen to "Sunday" my last song! help me with your vote!.!_:
2 years ago
I realy like your Track! I voted for you😄 Please vote back my last track "Can't Stop" Thank you and good luck!🔥
2 years ago
Hello pal you are a musical genius if you only stay with this site you will not be able to reach so many people you can promote your music for free I encourage you all to visit my site.
Ruben Savir
2 years ago
Voted... Please checkout my tracks, your support is greatly appreciated...👤