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Peter Pinehiller
7 years ago
voted !! vote back my new superhit pop/dance track LIVE YOUR LIFE NOW (featuring Raccoon)! THANKS ! have a nice weekend! pp
7 years ago
Silk velvet. A great chill production.
7 years ago
hey luka_v, nice job on your track two face! i like it and voted for it. please vote for my new song shed light feat lika morgan. thanks much!
7 years ago
Hi Luka I don't want to write a fake comment:
LIKE, "You did the track of the YEAR, DJ!"
LIKE, "You are the BEST, Bro!"
LIKE, "I can download it, I love your track my Friend!"
Absolutely NO!
It is not for me to judge and so I would simply like to be honest with you!
Would you like to exchange votes?
I already VOTED for your "Two faced"!
My friend, once I voted you, I will DO NOT remove your vote Man!
I hope you will vote back for my remix:
"Alan Walker vs. Barren Gates - Fade Us (MV Remix)"
Many thanks, Luka and good luck!
E*T*M records
7 years ago
"nice work super sound❤ !
VOTED !!!!
please vote my new tune :
T'O'M'S - Assidelyk