What's up! Here's my new festival style song called "Light It Up".. hope you guys like it! Share it, download it, etc. Cheers!
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8 years ago
i actually was triggered into a flashback of Ultra 2015. thank you for that. #voted. could you go check out my track, fireworks, and possibly vote if you enjoy? Thanks
8 years ago
Good job!! Voted!
Can you vote back my track This? Thanks!
8 years ago
that build up was really good. sounds professional holy shit really catchy. voted! also if you want please check out my track BEARFOOT and vote, it would mean alottt
Tanakorn lawan
8 years ago
Good job!! Voted
8 years ago
Incrediblee trackk brother!! I notice that you put strong effort here and really I can watch the results! It' so emotional and inspirational. The mastering is good and the vibes is thrilling!! You have my vote!! If you can, take a couple of minutes and vote by my latest track "Wanna Feel Love". I would be greatful with you!! Keep making this kind of songs brother!!! See you in the Top of spinnin' records!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!