Jonas! Every time you hold a remix competition, I seem to be just about to go on a trip somewhere so have a tight deadline! I had even less time than last the last competition to bash this out in about 6 hours this time but I gave it my best shot! Thankfully I had some time on the bus to make the artwork. Good luck to everyone who enters! x

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5 years ago
Great job my friend:) <3
5 years ago
Hello ! Voted! Vote back my new afrobeat/dancehall track ONE TOUCH! Thank you! My IG is @kukamukamusic! Score: 01
5 years ago
dope remix bro! congrats! y remix is out aswell, go check it and if you like it vote for me!!
5 years ago
Bro u kill it everytime! This is insane!
5 years ago
bruhhh this is siccc!!! If you have time you can check out my remix too! Would really appreciate it
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