Highest rank 151

A progressively future driven house tune with beautiful melodies to get your chill vibe, vibing and your dance legs movin'

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6 years ago
Dmitrii Stucalschi
6 years ago
Hello My name is Dmitrii Stucalschi I really liked your music and I voted for it. if it's not hard for you to go to my soundcloud and listen to my new track and leave your opinion about it still you subscribe to me on the soundcloud and i will subscribe to you on the soundcloud you can write me a letter in the soundcloud and offer cooperation I would not mind making a colab with you thank you in advance Dmitrii
6 years ago
Hi bro good track im voted please voted back my new track SB-Rise Again
6 years ago
Hey. I hope you can vote for my remix of Mirai by Madison Mars. It would support me so much.
6 years ago
Hey Brother, I really like your track you have pretty good skills in mastering! I Voted, If you have some time please check my new track "Good Vibration". I always appreciate feedback and if you like it please leave a vote. Thanks. Koallai ^_^
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