Dreaming - ZAYN Remix
Marko Skye, remix by: Marko Skye
Hi,guys,hope you like my new remix of Dreaming. Also,please,check out my previous track: Missing you too because many people told me they hadnt been able to listen to it or vote for it in the past 10-12 days, thanks:)
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Paint Elephant
7 years ago
Great edit and remixing man! VOTED!
Please vote back for my track "Doom"
7 years ago
Awesome stuff MARKO SKYE ! 🔥
Also, that's quite an original name !
You definitely got my vote !
Could you please vote back for my new track Starlight ?
Thank you so much!
You'll get to the top 10 for sure !
I'm currently on spot number 5 and hope to see you join me soon !
No Sleep Club
7 years ago
Hi Marko Skye!
Nice track, we love it, keep it up!
Practice every day and don't stop to make music!
You can reach your dream's!
We voted, please check our new remix 'Gold Skies' and vote back if you like it.
YOUR vote is very important to us!
Good luck and best wishes, Nayour X Breshka!
Cris Lynn
7 years ago
You got my vote !!
You created a very nice Song with very unique parts. Keep in doing Songs like that.
Great work.
If you want to, Check out my Song VISIONARY 😎 and leave a vote back.
Have a Great day
Cris Lynn
7 years ago
Voted! Please vote back my track "Indictune" ✌👽💗