Jonas Aden recently released his track 'Tell Me A Lie' and spinninrecords started a remix contest. This is what i came up with ! Hope you enjoy ! ps : this isn't the 100% mixed version cuz people are stealing remixes these days. Don't worry i have the extended mix and a way clean version. Thank you for voting !

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5 years ago
soooo good
5 years ago
I listened to you music, nice job and voted Give the voted back for my last work
5 years ago
Hello Friend how are you? Great remix good work. Mate i gave you my vote Good luck in your ranking ๐Ÿ‘ If you have a moment, I would appreciate it if you would review my latest track "Lost On The Dance Floor" Let me know what you think with a comment or a vote๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ
5 years ago
Awsome track! You have my vote! Pls vote back on my remix and keep up the awsome work and see you at the endgame of the competition!
5 years ago
nice vibe bro...voted for your remix, can you please vote back on my remix if you like it, first just give a listen then give a vote.. cheers
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