Moonpatrol - Harvey [Radio Mix]
Highest rank 9

Moonpatrol ataca novamente, o misterioso projeto de origem desconhecida lança mais uma bomba!!!! Harvey é um Future House pesado para quem gosta de muito barulho e de influências do dubstep é uma ótima pedida.

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Barth Vader
4 years ago
Marcelo Carvalho
4 years ago
Wooowwww voted
4 years ago
Nice music...voted!! Please check on my track "99" and vote it if you like it...thanks!!!!!👍
Maxi Rozh
4 years ago
oh my goodness drop is awesome you deserev to be released at major lable here is my vote for you keep it up
4 years ago
Wassup! Voted, nice track, the idea is great! Check out my new remix: Sikdope X Dux n Bass - Brave (Ramsus remix) Like/vote back if you like my remix! It slaps kinda hard 😎 Keep it up, all the best =)
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