Mick4 - Matin Enneigé
Highest rank 764

Hey, je suis Mick4, jeune DJ producteur. Je réalise autant des mixes que des productions, si ma musique t'as plus, n'hésite pas à liker, partager et t'abonner, si tu en veux plus. Très heureux aujourd'hui, de vous présenter ma nouvelle musique, avec cette sonorité futur house, qui j'espère, vous plaira . Pour me retrouver sur youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9zP8fRTYLcQCysToGz3NvQ Sur spinnin : www.spinninrecords.com/profile/mick4 Ou meme sur soonvibes : www.soonvibe

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7 years ago
Hi I realy like that Everything is perfect You got my vote for sure and pls take the time to vote my New Track Storys Also pls follow ma on Soundcloud and Here on Spinnrecords You got my support Also if you want subsmit your Track on my lable Write me on Soundcloud Thx-.
7 years ago
Nice :) You've got my vote!, pls vote for my last track and please follow me
Peter Pinehiller
7 years ago
voted! vote back my TRUE LOVE ! thanks!
7 years ago
Nice stuffs, it's quite good. VOTED! If you want detailed feedbacks, please do message me on SoundCloud. Also, if you can, please check out my track Universe, and if you like it, please vote for it! Thanks a lot! Cheers, Androlyx
Lifted Dreams
7 years ago
hey man this track is sick, VOTED! Please check out my new track, "FINAL BOSS" and VOTE if you enjoy! I also follow. everyone back on SoundCloud!!
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