Midi Culture - Let You Go
Highest rank 939

✖Download: EpicTonesRecords.lnk.to/ANfVf Follow Midi Culture: ✖Spotify: spoti.fi/2tDEkPh ✖Instagram: instagram.com/midiculture ✖Facebook: facebook.com/MidiCulture

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7 years ago
Hi Midi Culture!! I liked your track a lot and thus I voted for it but you have to work and keep working at your music to be better other than I voted for your track♥️❤️ And I would be grateful if you will vote my latest track and leave a review right there telling me my plus points and negative one
Andrew Terpo
7 years ago
Nice track! Voted! Please listen and vote my new track "Burn" Thanks so much!
7 years ago
Hey man i like your track. I like the melody, and the progression of the chord is not bad at all. Maybe you can work on your skill to get a sound more powerful and clear, but it's a personal opinion. Keep working on music!!!!!!!! Hope you will reach your goal!!!!!!!! You have my Support!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you check my track Valentine, i really need some feedback!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that we can help each other to reach the top of the chart and to improve our skill!!!!!!!!!!
7 years ago
I like this ! This is pretty cool to be honest ! I like how you put everything together it really creates a nice atmosphere throughout ! I see you're working hard towards an end goal and i wanna share a special secret tip of mine with you.. See, the thing is when you sidechain a synth with a VST like Kickstart or LFOTool, then it just sidechains the sound coming into the mixer track, like the sound of the instrument itself but it doesnt sidechain what's going out directly into the mix when you play the whole track together.. you can hear that in the way i sidechained my track Raquel. what i mean is that for example other effects, mainly the reverb and the delay you put will not be sidechained (you can go ahead and listen to it in you DAW). So, what I do is that I create a quick little automation knob for the volume of that instrument and create a very steep slope so that the sound comes back in very quickly from 0 to 78. Then i copy paste it every time the kick hits. You can clearly hear this sharply cutted end of the reverb in my tracks Imagine and You. Of course I still love to use my Kickstart and LFOTool but I just make sure that the sidechain is fully perfected with that little extra automation knob.. I hope if this tip will help you, and I'm happy to share it with you because every single detail matters.. If you have any question or want some help someday with anything, you can follow me on insta and send me a dm, or on soundcloud if you prefer. By the way, I would love if you could send me back some support for my latest track "You", two of my tracks made it into the top 3 and I hope this one does aswell ! It's currently on spot number 7 ! I see great potential for you, you can definitely achieve having a track in the top 10. Imagine having your track in the top 3 !!! I'm sure you'll join me up there very soon !
7 years ago
Really sick! You have my vote!! Please vote back for my track, thx :))
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