Another Night
Mike Williams ft. Matluck, remix by: Miguel Hernandrop
Remix dance to 115 BPM. In the I changed the key of the track to A MAJOR. Creating the sound patterns that accompany the acapella in the melodies. Respecting the rhythm pattern in the punch, but with different sounds. With a different rise. Powerful sounds, of pianos, guitars, among others in melodies and much more Fx, percussions, lifters & more complet the mix
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DeadTrance DT
8 years ago
Nice remix , Very melodic and danceable,
I Voted bro!
kindly like my comment , i will do the same for you bud. It will give us apoint too !
8 years ago
Votado priii!! Pero no me deja oirla
8 years ago
Hey Hernan drop!love your remix I voted It's got great energy, groove, it has everything! I checked out your profile and I just love it. Please check out my track firefly and vote! That'd be awesome
8 years ago
Nice Remix Voted
Mike Harrison
8 years ago
Hi Miguel ! I just love your remix. There's a lot of work. That's sounds really great ! Congrats ! I voted for you, so you can vote for my remix ! You can hear it on my profile ! Thanks !