Bruno Mars & Anderson .Paak - Leave The Door Open (Mikael van Dikeen In Luv Remix)
Mikael van Dikeen, remix by: Mikael van Dikeen
There you go. There are a lot of people who need help that are too embarrassed to ask for it. Just in case - be helpful, be nice, be humble, be strong, and most importantly, leave the door open.
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Javier Alejandro
4 years ago
The truth is that it is very good music, I congratulate you on your work bro
I would love for you to be the one to listen to my last song:
"I let you go"
and you will give me your opinion about it
"Sometimes we have to learn to let go, in order to move on"
Listen: I let you go
And you will not regret.
Mikael van Dikeen
4 years ago
Hey Javier, thank uuu so much! OK, i'll definitivelly check your brand new track. GL, bro!
4 years ago
Voted !
Please vote for my new track Until We Die.
Out now on Blanco y Negro.
Supported by: Dada Life, Djs From Mars, CALVO, Subliminals, Vantiz, SOXX, Future House Cloud, RAIDH.
Mikael van Dikeen
4 years ago
Hey Zephs, thank you for your voting. I'm looking forward to your track!
4 years ago
Good music mate...voted!! Please check on my track "Can't escape your love" and vote it if you like it...thanks!!!👍👍
Mikael van Dikeen
4 years ago
Hey 2 DOTS, thank you for your compliment. OK, I'm gonna check it and vote for it.
4 years ago
Sounds good! Voted! Maybe you can check out our bootleg of 50 Cent - Disco Inferno? Cheers!
Mikael van Dikeen
4 years ago
Hey guys, thank u. OK, I'll check it.
Live Sound Device
4 years ago
This deserves a chance so, VOTED!!! Please check our song " Dutchess " and its Video on YouTube. If you'd like, follow us on SoundCloud, we'll follow you back!
Mikael van Dikeen
4 years ago
Hello LSD (what a nice short name) :-D - OK, I'll check your track Dutchess. Thank u.