If you have a headache and are stressed by protracted problems, try meditation. And if you're looking for optimal music to meditate on, try the electronic pair ODESZA. Like my latest remix. Thank you for your support.

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4 years ago
Salut MIKAEL♪ Je ne te ferais pas l'affront de te raconter des conneries genre « ton titre est merveilleux », alors que je ne l'ai pas écouté comme tous les autres qui te laisse des commentaires, alors que tout ce que je veux, c'est faire la promo de mes chansons, donc viens découvrir mon dernier titre Do you remenber♫ Si tu aimes, like ♥ I am those who follow me Ciao ☺
Martin Time
4 years ago
Cool remix vote for your track please give a vote for my track let it leak I will also follow your socials, on soundcloud I will follow you back when you follow me please support me and we can support each other
Jordi martijnse
4 years ago
realy cool song man voted can you please vote on my latest track to
4 years ago
Nice Remix! Got my support! Voted!! Hope you listen to my new track " KoumaTone & AON - Future In Our Hands " and vote it if you like it, thanks and good luck!
WiMax Music
4 years ago
Nice remix, vibe that you can easily feel. Voted for you! Check out my latest track 'Go Back' and leave a vote if you like it! You can also follow me on SoundCloud, leave a like and comment. Good luck in the charts!
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