This is a my remix of the original song called Burn. created by Kshmr and dallask
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Max Madd
9 years ago
Nice remix Mike, voted! Take a second to like my facebook page
Hakan Reyhan
9 years ago
This is good man ! I like it . I voted you Mike !!! I'm from another contest and I'm waiting your support man . This is my remix :
Marky V-lectro
9 years ago
Epic track! I'm in this other contest and curious what you think of my remix: Good luck in this chart!
9 years ago
Voted Mike! :)
9 years ago
Mike want YOUR TRACK promoted to my 20,000 social media followers?? I promote talented artists and I don't charge any $$$! All you have to submit your track is 1. Follow me on Soundcloud and 2. Send me a message on my Soundcloud with your track link and you will be entered in my weekly "Song of The Week" contest! I pick a different track each week to promote on my Instagram, Twitter, and Soundcloud! I look forward to hearing your tracks and being your friend!!